Artist Statement
I have always been interested in the mythologies of the ancient greeks and romans. Many stories are exciting tales of powerful Gods and Goddesses. Good and evil and many creation stories.
About The Artist
Born: April 1, 1957
Steve Palermo was born and raised in New York City and resides in Queens, a borough of great cultural diversity. During the late 1970's and early 1980's he studied at Queensborough Community College and Queens College, majoring in Studio arts where he excelled in Painting, Drawing, and Mixed Media Arts. During these formative years, he developed his creative skills with a strong eye for color and composition. At the Queens Museum, his work was exhibited in "The Bitten Image,” a group show focused on printmaking. He also exhibited work that combines two- and three-dimensional imagery in two mixed media shows at The Queens College Art Gallery. He has been quite successful showing in various galleries in throughout New York City as well as internationally, including a group exhibit in Siena, Italy and was invited to show in Lima, Peru. His most recent International show was a “Made in New York” group show in Lavelanet, France in 2019. Steve worked in retail for many years until an unfortunate car accident caused him to rethink his direction. He has become Teaching Artist-in-Residence at Poppenhusen Institute in College Point, and at Flushing Town Hall, which has also offered him a career in management based on his creative art skills and product knowledge.
Steve Palermo
Oedipus and the Sphinx, 2020
20.5" x 23"
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