City Artists Corps Information Session

TUE, JUL 13, 2021
5:00 PM

The event will take place on Zoom. RSVP NOW to receive the zoom link and get a reminder!

Join Dan Bamba, FTH Director of Arts Services and learn about the New City Artists Corps Grants, which will pay NYC-based working artists a one-time $5,000 grant to help sustain their practice and engage the public across New York City’s five boroughs this summer beginning July.

During the session, learn about the application, the review criteria, and have your questions about the program answered!

Streamed over Zoom, with live English captions and ASL interpretation. If non-English services are needed, please email Dan Bamba at

Learn more about the grant at

City Artist Corps Grants is a program by New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), in partnership with the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), and with support from the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME). It is part of City Artist Corps, a new $25 million recovery initiative designed to help artists who were both hard hit by the pandemic and who may have been left out of other local and federal funding opportunities.

LOCATION:  FTH at HOME (Virtual Venue)