Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #2: Chinese Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Ling Tang

JAN 18 - JUN 30, 2021

While our doors are temporarily closed in accordance with COVID-19 social distancing measures, Flushing Town Hall (FTH) continues to share our global arts programming online. FTH’s master Teaching Artists offer online classes, as our free series Global Arts for Global Kids I (GAGK I) returns with the original English version and four newly translated versions: Hindi (हिंदी में पढ़ें।)Spanish (Leer en español)Chinese (以中文瀏覽) and Korean (한국어로 읽기).

The replay of this arts education series will be available from January 11th, 2021 to June 30th, 2021. Students will have the opportunity to explore nine different topics every week for a total of 45 video lessons: Colombian Music, Chinese Dance, Pop-up Book Page Making, Indian Dance, Mexican Dance, African Drumming, Dance Party in the United States, Visual Signs of Gratitude, and Stories from Quarantine. All lessons are available and can be accessed anytime on FTH’s website. Each video lesson will be accompanied by activity worksheets in the above mentioned languages.

Participants are encouraged to post short video clips of themselves learning on Facebook and tag FTH facebook page This rerun series offers an additional interactive option for student enrichment: live virtual workshops “Meet the Artist” and “Jam with the Artist”.

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Special thanks to the Guru Krupa Foundation, Calvin W. Chan, Raymond D. Jasen, Ellen Kodadek, Anne Lewent, William McClure, and TeHsing Niu for underwriting a portion of FTH at Home: Global Arts for Global Kids.

LOCATION:  FTH at HOME (Virtual Venue)

Week #2: Chinese Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Ling Tang 

This week’s lessons introduce you to Chinese dance led by Flushing Town Hall Teaching Artist Ling Tang. Ling is a dancer, choreographer and a teacher.  You may have seen her perform on stage at Flushing Town Hall or teaching youngsters in our schools.  But we join her at her apartment in Queens as we practice safe distancing. She doesn’t use many dance props just a ribbon and chopsticks--- but she’ll show you how to improvise with what you have. >> CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED!

Semana #2:  Danza de China con la maestra Ling Tang

Nuestra clase esta semana es una introducción a la danza China, presentada por nuestra maestra Ling Tang. Ling es bailarina, coreógrafa y profesora.  Algunos de ustedes lo recordarán si asistieron a alguno de nuestros eventos en Flushing Town Hall o en alguno de nuestros eventos en los colegios. Esta vez Ling nos compartirá su conocimiento desde su apartamento en Queens.  Ling usará una cinta para bailar y un par de palillos chinos, ¿qué gran ingenio, verdad? >>¡HAZ CLIC PARA COMENZAR!

第二週:與法拉盛文藝中心教學藝術家湯泠(Ling Tang)探索中國舞蹈

本週的課程由法拉盛文藝中心教學藝術家湯泠(Ling Tang)帶您學跳中國舞蹈。湯泠是一名舞者、編舞和老師。您可能曾經在法拉盛文藝中心的舞台看過她的表演或在我們的合作學校看過她教課。在我們保持社交距離的同時,你將跟隨她來到她在皇后區的公寓。她使用的舞蹈道具並不多——絲綢和筷子,她也會教您如何利用身邊的物品即興製作。>>點擊這裡


#2주차: FTH 티칭 아티스트 링탕과 함께하는 중국 무용

이번 주 수업에서는 플러싱 타운 홀의 티칭 아티스트인 링탕( Ling Tang)이 중국 무용을 소개합니다. 링은 무용가이자 안무가이며, 교사입니다. 그녀는 플러싱 타운 홀에서 공연을 하고 학교에서 아이들을 가르치고 있습니다. 사회적 거리 두기에 따라, 이번에는 퀸즈에 위치한 그녀의 아파트에서 링을 만날 것입니다. 그녀는 집에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 리본과 젓가락만으로 즉흥적으로 무용 도구를 만드는 법을 알려줄 거에요. >> 시작하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오!

सप्ताह -2 चाइनीज डांस 

इस सप्ताह के पाठ मैं आपका परिचय नमूना टैग द्वारा बालनीज़ नृत्य से बना जाएगा। हिप टेंग फ़्लकिंग टाउन हॉल की कला अध्यापिका हैं। लिंग नृत्यांगना, नृत्य निर्देशिका और शिक्षक हैं।आपने उन्हें नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया तो फ़्लशिंग टाउन हॉल या छोटे बच्चों को शिक्षा देते हुए हमारी विद्यालयों में देखा होगा, पर हम उनके क्वींस के अपार्टमेंट में मिलेंगे सुरक्षा और दूरी को ध्यान में रखते हुए।रंगमंच के समान मैं ये मात्र रिबन और चॉपस्टिक्स काम में लैगीं, पर ये आपको संकेतगी की आपके पास जो कुछ समान है उस में से आप कामचलाऊ उपाय कैसे कर सकते हैं। >>शुरू करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें!



Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #3: Pop-up Book Page Making with Spica Wobbe & Karen Oughtred

JAN 25 - JUN 30, 2021

Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #4: Indian Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Abha Roy

FEB 1 - JUN 30, 2021

Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #5: Mexican Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Alberto Lopez

FEB 8 - JUN 30, 2021