Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #1: Colombian Music with FTH Teaching Artist Martin Vejarano

JAN 11 - JUN 30, 2021

While our doors are temporarily closed in accordance with COVID-19 social distancing measures, Flushing Town Hall (FTH) continues to share our global arts programming online. FTH’s master Teaching Artists offer online classes, as our free series Global Arts for Global Kids I (GAGK I) returns with the original English version and four newly translated versions: Hindi (हिंदी में पढ़ें।)Spanish (Leer en español)Chinese (以中文瀏覽) and Korean (한국어로 읽기).

The replay of this arts education series will be available from January 11th, 2021 to June 30th, 2021. Students will have the opportunity to explore nine different topics every week for a total of 45 video lessons: Colombian Music, Chinese Dance, Pop-up Book Page Making, Indian Dance, Mexican Dance, African Drumming, Dance Party in the United States, Visual Signs of Gratitude, and Stories from Quarantine. All lessons are available and can be accessed anytime on FTH’s website. Each video lesson will be accompanied by activity worksheets in the above mentioned languages.

Participants are encouraged to post short video clips of themselves learning on Facebook and tag FTH facebook page This rerun series offers an additional interactive option for student enrichment: live virtual workshops “Meet the Artist” and “Jam with the Artist”.

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Special thanks to the Guru Krupa Foundation, Calvin W. Chan, Raymond D. Jasen, Ellen Kodadek, Anne Lewent, William McClure, and TeHsing Niu for underwriting a portion of FTH at Home: Global Arts for Global Kids.

LOCATION:  FTH at HOME (Virtual Venue)

Week #1: Colombian Music with FTH Teaching Artist Martin Vejarano 

Flushing Town Hall Teaching Artist Martin Vejarano invites you to explore the rhythms of Colombia using simple homemade instruments. Using plastic buckets for drums, wooden spoons for drumsticks and a homemade shaker you will be able to explore four different rhythms from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Colombia. These rhythms are as unique and diverse as Colombia's culture which mixes Indigenous, African and European heritage. Please try these all-ages, family-friendly activities and show us how you make music with them. >> CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED


Semana #1: Música Colombiana con el maestro Martín Vejarano

Flushing Town Hall presenta al maestro Martín Vejarano quien nos invita a explorar y a aprender sobre los ritmos de Colombia utilizando instrumentos hechos en casa, por ejemplo: un balde será un tambor, un vaso con granos de frijol será una maraca, un par de cucharas de metal y otras de madera serán nuestros palos para tocar ritmos de la costa Atlántica y la costa Pacífica de Colombia. Estos ritmos son únicos y especiales gracias a la mezcla de la herencia indígena con las herencias Europea y Africana. Los invitamos a participar en esta actividad diseñada para toda la familia y todas las edades. >>¡HAZ CLIC PARA COMENZAR!

第一周:與法拉盛文藝中心教學藝術家馬丁·維哈拉諾(Martin Vejarano)探索哥倫比亞音樂

法拉盛文藝中心教學藝術家馬丁·維哈拉諾(Martin Vejarano)邀請您使用簡單的自制樂器探索哥倫比亞的音樂節奏。以塑料桶作鼓、木勺作鼓槌以及自制的沙槌,您將探索哥倫比亞從大西洋到太平洋沿岸四種不同的節奏。這些節奏獨特且多樣,就像哥倫比亞一樣,融合了美國土著、非洲和歐洲的傳統文化。請體驗這些不限年齡的家庭親子活動,並與我們分享您的音樂。>>點擊此處開始!

# 1 주차 :  FTH 티칭 아티스트 마틴 베하라노와 함께하는 콜롬비아 음악 
플러싱 타운 홀의 티칭 아티스트 마틴 베하라노가 집에서 간단하게 만들 수 있는 악기를 이용한 콜롬비아 리듬의 세계로 당신을 초대합니다! 플라스틱 양동이와, 나무 숟가락으로 만든 북과 드럼스틱, 그리고 수제 쉐이커를 이용하면, 콜롬비아의 대서양과 태평양 연안에서 유래한 4 가지 리듬을 만들 수 있습니다.  이 독특하고 다양한 리듬들은 아프리카의 토속문화와 유럽의 유산이 섞인 콜럼비아의 문화를 잘 보여줍니다. 모든 연령대가 이 활동을 즐길 수 있으니 가족들과 함께 음악을 만들어 보세요! >> 시작하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오

सप्ताह -1 कोलम्बियाई संगीत

फ्लशिगं टाउन हाल के कला अध्यापक मारटिन वजारानो आपको कोलम्बिआ की तालों के प्रकार घर में उपलब्ध वाद्यों द्वारा बतलायेंगे जो कि प्लास्टिक की बाल्टी से ड्रम की जगह, लकडी का चम्मच ड्रम स्टिक की जगह, घर का बना शेकर है। आप कोलम्बिआ के अटलांटिक तथा पैसेफिक तटों की चार अलग-अलग तालों को सीखेंगे।कोलम्बिआ की स्वदेशी अनूठी तालों में अफ्रीका तथा यूरोप की विरासत का मिश्रण है।यह सभी उम्र के लिये बनाना संभव है। >>शुरू करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें!



Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #2: Chinese Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Ling Tang

JAN 18 - JUN 30, 2021

Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #3: Pop-up Book Page Making with Spica Wobbe & Karen Oughtred

JAN 25 - JUN 30, 2021

Global Arts for Global Kids I Replay #4: Indian Dance with FTH Teaching Artist Abha Roy

FEB 1 - JUN 30, 2021